Steve Lugg
I have never supported the idiotic Dorset wide Street Lighting PFI.  In my street we went from 9 columns that we didn't really need to sixteen that we didn't need, poorly sited, with no proper consultation and community engagement.  Similar tales have been reported back across my ward, and further afield across Dorset.  So, can anyone tell me why it was a good idea to do that, then decide to switch them off at night?  Staggering incompetence.  Over the next two years this will affect all towns and villages across Dorset.  DCC are of course paying more money to SSE Contracting to retrofit the sensors to allow this - absolutely unbelievable, unforgiveable, and I suggest residents might not wish just to accept this ludicrous waste of money.  I don't.  not in my name please Dorset County Council - no, not acceptable in any way.

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Steve Lugg, East Dorset District Council, Ferndown Town Council