Steve Lugg
No increase for 2012/13, but future years are going to be difficult, as savings still need to be found, and budgetary pressures continue to grow.  We will spend £9.9m next year, and only £2.5m comes from government.  75% is funded directly from your council tax giving this 75:25% split.  Nationally the picture is very different with the average split being 30:70, with only 30% coming direct from council tax.  Next year EDDC will also receive £286,000 less from government in government grant funding.  With the loss of investment income from monies held, things are getting very tight indeed.  I know we are working hard to maintain frontline services, and to try and keep additional increases to taxpayers to a minimum.  Partnerships, including the joint working with Christchurch BC, and the Dorset Waste Partnership are all aprt of the drive to be more efficient, whilst maintianing effectiveness.

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Steve Lugg, East Dorset District Council, Ferndown Town Council