Steve Lugg
The government is to review the formula it uses to decide how much money local authorities receive to provide rural services.  The pledge is contained in the government's response to a consultation on proposals for councils to keep a share of business rates rather than paying them to Whitehall.  Published today, the response has been welcomed by the Rural Services Network, which has long campaigned on behalf of rural local authorities for a fairer funding deal from central government.  The document says the government will consider limited technical adjustments to the relative need formulae to determine funding for rural services and concessionary travel.  Let us see if this translates to any real benefits for East Dorset residents?

Under 18s Night at the Barrington, every Sunday from 7.30pm.
Government made it quite clear when devising the emerging planning policy published through the Localism Act, that economic growth will in future be a primary material consideration in deciding on planning applications.  The Minister of Decentralisation made the speech, Planning for Growth on 23rd March 2011, and the Planning Inspectorate
It mkes no sense to have a universal pensioner's winter fuel allowance, whilst hard-working families on low pay are having their tax credits cut.  Crazy politics!  Lets target the money we have, on those who need it, whatever their age.
Next Ferndown Conservatives event is a quiz on 21st January.  Contact me for more details.
So in England the government spends an average £8.6k per person, but this is over £10k in Scotland.

This cannot be right in any way.  When will the government right this wrong?
Delighted that Ferndown Town Council have decided to consult residents on their views.  Unacceptable that EDDC have not provided a public meeting for the largest settlement in East Dorset.  I have represented resident's views to this effect.  The Planning Committee of FTC is to be commended.  Notwithstanding my interest given my wife is the Chairman.
Sorry, my integrity isn't elastic.  You might not like it, but WYSIWYG.
I have never supported the idiotic Dorset wide Street Lighting PFI.  In my street we went from 9 columns that we didn't really need to sixteen that we didn't need, poorly sited, with no proper consultation and community engagement.  Similar tales have been reported back across my ward, and further afield across Dorset.  So, can anyone tell me why it was a good idea to do that, then decide to switch them off at night?  Staggering incompetence.  Over the next two years this will affect all towns and villages across Dorset.  DCC are of course paying more money to SSE Contracting to retrofit the sensors to allow this - absolutely unbelievable, unforgiveable, and I suggest residents might not wish just to accept this ludicrous waste of money.  I don't.  not in my name please Dorset County Council - no, not acceptable in any way.
FiB were out planting yet more bulbs on Sat 26th November.  This year we concentrated at the Wimborne Road end of Victoria Road, and 1000 tulip, daffodil and hyacinths were put in by volunteers.  Many thanks go to Warren Haskins, Terry Head and Haskins Garden Centre for their continued support of this event with donated bulbs.

Steve Lugg, East Dorset District Council, Ferndown Town Council